
The effects of starvation on cell death in the midgut of Periplaneta americana were studied histochemically and ultrastructurally. TUNEL assays showed that cell death began to increase in the columnar cells and nidi, the nests of stem cells and newborn cells from 2 weeks of starvation. A significant increase in cell death occurred in the nidi after 4 weeks of starvation. Cockroaches starved for 4 weeks showed active-caspase-3-like immuno-reactivity both in the columnar cells and nidi, whereas control cockroaches that were fed for 4 weeks showed this reactivity only in the apical cytoplasm of columnar cells. Electron microscopy revealed no chromatin condensation in the nucleus of columnar cells of cockroaches, whether fed or starved for 4 weeks. Starved cockroaches exhibited many small vacuoles in the cytoplasm of some columnar cells and "floating" organelles including nuclei in the lumen. A 4-week starvation induced the appearance of cytoplasmic fragmentation and secondary lysosomes in the nidi. Each fragment contained nuclear derivatives with condensed chromatin, i.e. apoptotic bodies. Mitotic cells were found in some, but not all nidi, even within the same starved sample. Fragmentation was not observed in the nidi of control cockroaches. Thus, starvation increases cell death not only in the columnar cells, but also in the nidi. The cell death in the nidi is presumably apoptosis executed by caspase 3.

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