
India is a country of many great legends that were famous all over the world because of their work, sharp mind & high skill. Youths in India are very talented, high skilled & full of innovative ideas. But they don't get opportunity due to lack of solid support & proper guidance in right direction. In this way, BJP government launched “START UP INDIA STAND UP INDIA” scheme on 16 January 2016 to help the youth of India to go in right direction using their new & innovative ideas. This scheme was launched to motivate & promote new comers towards business & grow their career as well as economy of the country. This programme is a big start to enable Start ups through financial support so that they can use their innovative ideas in right direction. There are tremendous opportunities for Start up entrepreneurs in India. The key areas are Like Textile, Media, Health Sector, Event Planner, Tourism, Automobile etc. So there are various opportunities where entrepreneurs can start their Start ups. But along with opportunities there are some challenges also that Start up entrepreneurs may have to face like Infrastructure Deficit in India, Risk Factor and Right Talent Acquisition etc. Despite of these challenges, Government as well Start up entrepreneurs should have to work together to face these challenges & make this programme effective. The study will focus on Start up India scheme, opportunities available under this scheme as well as challenges may have to be faced & suggestions to overcome the challenges so as to make the Start up India programme successful

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