
This paper describes the process and outcomes of the East Sussex inclusion strategy for early years and childcare. Early research included: an audit of existing early years and childcare provision, a survey of parental views about current resources and needs, and a survey of providers views describing barriers to inclusion from their perspective.These three major pieces of work led to an agreement to focus on inclusion and improvement for all children, the production of a staged approach to training, a new look to the foundation stage area special educational needs coordinator role and an extension of support and training into the childcare sector. Evaluation shows that the training and support is not only well received but making fundamental differences to the practice within settings. Parents, practitioners and the children themselves have been given a ‘voice’ through the use of the Index for Inclusion (Booth & Ainscow, 2002). The strategy and developments are increasingly being recognised as good practice both within government and within other local education authorities.

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