
We have yet to understand the magnetic activity cycles of cool close binary systems of sunlike stars. Mutual tidal interactions, as well as magnetic ones, may result from a regime of dynamo models not yet tested, because these have been developed for single stars. To arrive at the basic physics, though, requires that we first examine the phenomenology of magnetic activity for binary systems. In particular, we would like to discover if such activity has a clearly-defined cycle, such as the sun exibits.Among the proxy indicators of magnetic activity are the Ca II H and K lines. Strassmeier et al. (1988) used the strength of these lines as the primary criterion for the inclusion of systems in The Catalog of Chromospherically Binary Stars. Of the RS CVn stars in the catalog, 12 have orbital periods of one day or shorter; 9 are eclipsing systems. As part of a decade-long program, we have focussed our observations and models on eight of the short-period group (Hall, 1976): XY UMa, UV Psc, SV Cam, RT And, CG Cyg, ER Vul, BH Vir, and WY Cnc. These close systems are tidally-locked in synchronous rotation and tidally-distorted into Roche lobe configurations.

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