
We successfully demonstrate Stare & Chase: Space debris laser ranging to uncooperative targets has been achieved without a priori knowledge of any orbital information. An analog astronomy CCD with a standard objective, piggyback mounted on our 50cm Graz SLR receive telescope, ‘stares’ into the sky in a fixed direction. The CCD records the stellar background within a field of view of approx. 7°. From the stellar X/Y positions on the sensor a plate solving algorithm determines the pointing data of the image center with an accuracy of approx. 15 arc seconds. If a sunlit target passes through this field of view, its equatorial coordinates are calculated, stored and a Consolidated Prediction Format (CPF) file is created in near real time. The derived CPF data is used to start laser ranging (‘chase’ the object) within the same pass to retrieve highly accurate distance information. A comparison of Stare & Chase CPFs with standard TLE predictions shows the possibilities and limits of this method.

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