
The levels of starch were determined in chicken based meat products commercialized in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, from December 1996 to March 1997. Samples were analyzed for moisture and starch contents. Starch was acid hydrolyzed and the resulting glucose was determined at 620 nm after reaction with anthrone. The method was observed to be accurate (92.7% recovery), precise (CV = 3.0%), sensitive (quantification limit = 1.25 g/100 g) and simple in the determination of starch in meat products. Among products analyzed, starch was detected in 100% of meat balls and nuggets samples, in 60% of the sausage, 50% of the bologna and 30% of the frankfurter. Starch was not detected in hamburger samples analyzed. Higher mean starch levels were found in nuggets (14.85 g/100 g) followed by meat balls (4.45 g/100 g), sausage (1.73 g/100 g), bologna (1.14 g/100 g) and frankfurter (0.57 g/100 g). Mean moisture content varied from 35.68 in sausage to 46.24 g/100 g in nuggets. No significant correlation was observed between moisture and starch contents. Every sample of bologna and 90% of the frankfurter contained starch levels according to the Brazilian legislation. Starch levels varied considerably within brands as well as within lots of the same brand.

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