
Abstract Thin halo star streams originate from the evaporation of globular clusters and therefore provide information about the early epoch globular cluster population. The observed tidal tails from halo globular clusters in the Milky Way are much shorter than expected from a star cluster orbiting for 10 Gyr. The discrepancy is likely the result of the assumptions that nearly nonevolving clusters have been orbiting in a nonevolving galactic halo for a Hubble time. As a first step toward more realistic stream histories, a toy model that combines an idealized merger model with a simplified model of the internal collisional relaxation of individual star clusters is developed. On average, the resulting stream velocity dispersion increases with distance, causing the density of the stream to decline with distance. The accretion time sets an upper limit to the length of the readily visible stream, with the internal evolution of the cluster usually playing the dominant role in limiting the sky visibility of the older parts of streams. Nevertheless, the high surface density segment of the stellar streams created from the evaporation of the more massive globular clusters should all be visible in low-obscuration parts of the sky if closer than about 30 kpc. The Pan-STARRS1 halo volume is used to compare the numbers of halo streams and globular clusters.

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