
We summarize here recent results from the STAR collaboration focusing on processes involving large momentum transfers. Measurements of angular correlations of di-hadrons are explored in both the pseudorapidity (η) and azimuthal (ϕ) projections. In central Au+Au, an elongated structure is found in the η projection which persists up to the highest measured p⊥. After quantifying the particle yield in this structure and subtracting it from the near-side yield, we observe that the remainder exhibits a behaviour strikingly similar to that of the near-side yield in d+Au. For heavy flavour production, using electron–hadron correlations in p + p collisions, we obtain an estimate of the b-quark contribution to the non-photonic electrons in the p⊥ region 3–6 GeV/c, and find it consistent with FONLL calculations. Together with the observed suppression of non-photonic electrons in Au+Au, this strongly suggests suppression of b-quark production in Au+Au collisions. We discuss results on the mid-rapidity ϒ cross-section in p + p collisions. Finally, we present a proof-of-principle measurement of photon–hadron (γ–h) correlations in p + p collisions, paving the way for the tomographic study of the matter produced in central Au+Au via γ-jet measurements.

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