
This work aims to study the evolution of galaxies, located in the dense environment of the NGC 4095 compact group, which have recession velocities 6,000 < v (km s 1 ) < 8,000. Imaging observations for BV Rc broad-band, and [S ii] and red-continuum narrow-band were carried out with the 2.4 m Thai National Telescope (TNT) at Doi Inthanon, Chiang Mai, Thailand. The sample contains 13 galaxies, consisting of 8 spirals, 4 ellipticals and 1 irregular morphological type. Late type galaxies tend to be bluer than early type galaxies. The results show that most of the late type galaxies have ongoing star formation activity, which could be triggered by galaxy-galaxy or tidal interactions, and that young massive stars in these galaxies cause their colors to be bluer than the early type galaxies.

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