
In this article we address observationally the questions: how does star formation (SF) in the disks of galaxies lead to the creation of radio halos, and what minimum energy input into the interstellar medium (ISM) is needed to facilitate this? For the investigation we use a sample of five edge-on galaxies exhibiting radio continuum emmission in their halos and enhanced SF spread over large parts of their disks. In a detailed study of the two galaxies in our sample for which we have the best data, NGC 891 and NGC 4631, we show that the radio halos cut off abruptly at galactocentric radii smaller than those of the underlying thin radio disks. Our most important result is that the halo cutoffs are spatially coincident with the radii where the SF activity in the underlying disks drops sharply. The difference in radius of the emission distributions tracing ongoing SF in the disks (IRAS 50 micrometers, H alpha) versus that of the nonthermal radio continuum thin disks (tracing the distribution of cosmic-ray (CR) electrons) is typically a few kpc. This difference in extent is caused by CR diffusion. We have measured the CR diffusion coefficients in the thin disks of both NGC 891 and NGC 4631. For radial diffusion of CR electrons within the galactic disks the values are D(sub r) = 1.1-2.5 x 10 (exp 29) sq cm/s (NGC 4631) and D(sub r) = 1.2 x 10(exp 29) sq cm/s (NGC 891). For motions in the z-direction in areas within the thin disks where no outflows occur, we derive a firm upper limit of D(sub z) less than or equal to 0.2 x 10(exp 28) sq cm/s for NGC 891. The value for NGC 4631 is D(sub z = 1.4 x 10 (exp 28) sq cm/s. The other three galaxies in our sample, NGC 3044, NGC 4666, and NGC 5775 show (at the sensitivity of our data) less extended, more filamentary radio halos. Isolates spurs or filaments of nonthermal radio continuum emission in their halos are traced only above the most actively star-forming regions in the disks. This, in conjuction with the results obtained for NGC 891 and NGC 4631, suggests a direct connection between the shapes and radial extents of radio halos of normal galaxies and the level and the spatial distribution of the current SF in their disks. The existence of filamentary structures implies that expansion and convection of CR-heated plasma plays an important role even at low z-distances above the plane. Based on radio data we derive the disk-averaged mean energy input rates into the ISM due to supernova explosions per unit surface area in nine galaxies, including the ones in our sample. We find a clear trend in the sense that the galaxies with the highest mean energy input rates in the underlying disks have the most extended and pervasisve radio halos. Below a certain threshohld, outflows are inhibited. As a lower limit for this threshhold we derive an energy input rate of approximately 10 (exp -4) erg/s sq cm. The fact that radio halo emission is found only above the most luminous giant H 2 regions in late-type 'normal' galaxies (of type Sbc or later) indicates that only these are capable of initiating disk-halo interactions by locally exceeding the threshold. The distribution of the local outflows determines the overall shapes of the CR halos and leads to the observed filamentary structures.

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