
Stapedius reflex testing was utilized to monitor the progression of subclinical otosclerosis and evaluate the efficacy of NaF treatment in stabilizing the disease process. The investigation was performed on 93 relatives of patients suffering with surgically confirmed otosclerosis. Subjects were divided into two groups. The first group was treated with NaF in doses ranging from 6 to 16 mg in relation to age. The treatment lasted two years. The second group served as control subjects. Before entering the research, all subjects presented reflex abnormalities represented by a partial or complete on-off effect in one or both ears. Changes in stapedius reflex morphology (from partial to complete on-off and from complete on-off to absence of the reflex) were evaluated at 1 and 2 years. The groups had not developed significant differences at 1 year. At 2 years, the incidence of stable stapedius reflex findings was 91.5% in the treated ears and 77% in the control group. The difference is significant (p less than 0.05) and indicates a stabilizing effect of NaF on the disease process.

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