
AbstractPlasma depletions in the disturbed equatorial ionosphere are known to be associated with magnetic fluctuations and Alfvén waves. Here, using data from the Swarm B satellite's vector field magnetometer and electric fields instrument at an altitude of ∼500 km, we present evidence of standing Alfvén modes trapped within strong density depletions. Fourier transforms of electric (δE) and magnetic (δB) perturbations reveal harmonic structure with anticorrelated peaks and relative phase shifts approaching ±90°, in agreement with a simple model of standing waves sampled from a moving spacecraft. The mode frequencies allow us to estimate the field‐aligned length of the bubbles, which we find to be in the range of 110–200 km. This value is much smaller than the overall field line length mapped to the two E‐region footprints, indicating that the waves we observe do not couple to the lower ionosphere.

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