
Within the Standards for completion of compulsory education, elaborated by the Institute for education quality evaluation, adopted in 19th May 2009 by the National Educational Council of Serbia, there are standards for ten teaching subjects, PE included. The aim of this paper is to introduce them, immediately before the adoption of the standards, possibly before their publishing in the Official Journal, to the professional public as well as to prepare and activate them fir the process of their incorporation and application in practice. The paper considers the basic features of PE standards: testability, direction at fundamental knowledge, abilities and skills; accumulation (taking into consideration contents of both elementary education cycles); differentiated approach to students; feasibility and obligation. By comparative analysis of a formulated, valid aim of PE, of syllabuses for elementary education and recommendations for the way of its realizations and features of educational standards for completion of elementary education, in which educational aims and tasks are concretized through students - acquisitions - outcomes visible in both behaviour and reasoning, the answer is given to the question of how to achieve better effects, increase PE quality with the capacities we have at our disposal. Directed at: ability in skills; knowledge on physical exercises and physical education by the, the standards objectively assessment, making thus the marks comparable and provide foundation for further development of self-evaluation instruments. One the major contributions of realization of instruction process in compliance with the educational standards is activation of teachers, students, parents and school. The paper also presents the dilemmas related to concrete problems in PE educational field (subject), primarily in conditions for realization of PE syllabuses as well as realization of instruction contents within the first cycle of elementary education, which however shall directly reflect to possibilities of standard achievement for completion of compulsory education. Thus, the need is stressed to adopt the standards but also to ensure their full realization ay the end of the first cycle of elementary education.


  • Within the Standards for completion of compulsory education, elaborated by the Institute for education quality evaluation, adopted on 19th May 2009 by the National Educational Council of Serbia, there are standards for ten teaching subjects, PE included

  • The aim of this paper is to introduce them, immediately before their adoption, possibly before their publishing in the Official Journal, to the professional public as well as to prepare and activate them for the process of their incorporation and application as well as to highlight opportunities related to improving the status and functioning of essential segments, significant for physical education

  • General characteristics of the standards: differentiation, intelligibility, feasibility and compulsory for all, are fully applicable to the PE standards. When it comes to testability of specified educational outcomes and focus on fundamental knowledge it can be concluded that the fields and subfields, as well as indicators included in standards, refer to real measurable, subject-specific knowledge, skills and abilities of students

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The highest European Union authorities (Council of Europe), conferences related to large sporting events, European, regional and national political and scientific meetings, established a „crisis of physical education” and suggested various solutions, some of which were been applied in practice, but some remained at the level of theoretical debate This was a period of live activities, while in our country, for a variety of objective and other reasons, there was stagnation or decline in the material basis and quality of PE teaching process. The first reason is related to the discussions and written materials about defining aim and tasks in educational subjects (educational areas), presenting critical evaluations, for example: „Declaratively expressed „ educational goals” were so general and remote from real working conditions, the prescribed curriculum of vocational education and the harmonization of teachers, so they could represent a reference point in relation to which it would be possible to evaluate quality of the educational process and educational achievements on the level of the school network, particular school, certain curricula, teachers and students General characteristics of the standards and comment on the possibility of their application within the standards of physical education, shall be given

Testability of specified educational outcomes
Focus on fundamental skills
Compulsory for all
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