
A report on a proposed American Standard for Graphical Symbols for Electric Power and Interior Wiring developed by a subcommittee of the Sectional Committee on Scientific and Engineering Symbols and Abbreviations was received at the December 13, 1929 meeting of the A. I. E. E. Standards Committee and was ordered printed in report form for distribution for purposes of criticism and suggestion. This report comprises graphical symbols used for one-line and complete diagrams of electric power apparatus, instruments and relays, system-connection diagrams, and interior wiring diagrams. The symbols are limited to apparatus usually met with in electrical power engineering, such as major electrical equipment in power houses, substations, and transmission and distribution systems and to system and building wiring diagrams. They are not intended to cover communication, railway or other allied branches of electrical engineering. Basic symbols seem to have widespread use and application, and only such symbols are given. This report will shortly be available in pamphlet form and copies may be had without charge by writing H. E. Farrer, Secretary, A. I. E. E. Standards Committee, 33 West 39th Street, New York, N. Y.

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