
The purpose – perfection of the techniques for controlling speed-strength capabilities and endurance of the rotator cuff muscles of biathletes during the period of sport skills perfection. Research methods and organization. The study involved 204 biathletes aged 15-17. We tested the speed- strength abilities and endurance of rotator cuff muscles with the Skierg Concept2 ski ergometer (USA). Research results. Significant changes in the endurance of rotator cuff muscles of biathletes occur in the age period from 15 to 16 years. The change in speed-strength abilities of female biathletes, in contrast to male biathletes, occurs against the background of an increase in the number of ski pole movements per minute. We processed the obtained data using the method of determining the boundaries of confidence intervals. Based on the data processed, we developed the standards for assessment of the speed-strength abilities and strength endurance of rotator cuff muscles of biathletes during the period of sport skills perfection with the Skierg Concept2 ski ergometer (USA). We tested applicability of the developed standards for speed-strength abilities and strength endurance of rotator cuff muscles in a one-year educational experiment. Conclusion. We proposed a methodology for testing speed-strength abilities and strength endurance of rotator cuff muscles with the Skierg Concept2 ski ergometer (USA) in the framework of our study. The developed stand- ards for assessing speed-strength abilities and strength endurance of rotator cuff muscles of biathletes during the period of sport skills perfection help to identify strong and weak points of fitness and to predict the possibility of achieving certain results by individual parameters.

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