
During the last decade the use of solar thermal products has grown drastically all over the world. One reason for this increase was the implementation and continuous further development of specific standards series like the EN 12975 [1], EN 12976 [2] and EN 12977 [3] as well as the European certification scheme Solar Keymark which has become the most important certification scheme worldwide. The Solar Keymark being the world wide largest certification program with approx. 1600 certificates is not only accepted basically throughout Europe but is also introduced in other regions such as Northern Africa or Latin America and other countries like Japan or Canada. With the latest revision of the EN 12977 series Solar Keymark can now also be granted for so-called custom built solar thermal systems as well as for solar thermal heat stores.In order to support the global solar thermal market further developments of the International Standards and the implementation of a global certification schemes are essential. The first steps have been taken in the field of the solar thermal collectors. In 2011 ISO TC 180 decided to join their efforts in the review of the EN 12975 series dedicated to solar thermal collectors with CEN TC 312 to come up with a joined standard. The FDIS/ISO 9806 is currently under enquiry and is expected to come in force as EN ISO 98096 by the end of 2013. This standard will pave the way towards a global certification scheme which is currently under discussion between the already existing schemes Solar Keymark and SRCC with the support of certification bodies (e.g. AENOR and DINCERTCO) and Research and Testing Centre for Solar Thermal Systems (TZS) at ITW, University of Stuttgart being one of the leading test laboratories worldwide. Apart from the well-known collector technologies the EN ISO 9806 will cover in addition concentrating and tracking collectors, air collectors and PVT collectors.Besides the harmonization of existing standards another important topic is the development of new test procedures in order to make the existing standards applicable for new developments and to reduce testing costs as well as the implementation of new standards. Just lately ITW/TZS developed an indoor test procedure for complete solar thermal domestic hot water systems which will help to reduce the testing time and development periods. Examples for new standards are standards for the absorber durability, the durability and performance testing of evacuated tubes and the durability and performance testing of heat pipes which are currently under development in cooperation of ISO TC 180 and CEN TC 312.Additional work is done in the project SpeedColl funded by the German Government. Here the project partners ITW/TZS and Fraunhofer ISE are developing test procedure for accelerating aging testing of complete solar collectors.This conference contribution will give an overview of the current international standards, the ones to come and new test procedures. In the field of product certification it will provide a review of the existing Solar Keymark certification and an outlook to the currently discussed global certification scheme. The advantages of a global certification scheme on the future development of the worldwide market for solar thermal products will be described as well as the roadmap towards its implementation.

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