
Abstract Data Management concept is well understood now a days, in Oil and Gas industry. General workflow of data management starts with data generation, its processing (if required), followed by data loading into specific datastore, database or location (on file system), with the aim of for sharing it with the end user. A lot of integration happens with different systems and the corporate database, to perform various studies. This is all done under defined data governance rules and Service level agreement. This paper focusses on standardizing the data structure and formats, so that end users have to spend less time in getting the data for their daily use and interpretation. Additionally, the proposed work shows the ability to fix the data quality issues at the source. At the later stage, no one has to run the data quality checks, tools or scripts for fixing any data quality issues, separately. The below steps can optimize the data quality and format issues: Data management team to coordinate and meet the end users to know the subsurface software used, data type used, problem while loading the data in the applications.Make listing and categorization of the data format required by the subsurface applications.Make listing of the units, coordinate system, and reference datum of data type as a standardCoordinate with contract administrators, vendor, contractors, data loaders to setup guidelines and instructions to deliver the data in the required formats.Create automated workflows for loading the data The vendor or contractors have been generating data as per defined parameters in the service contracts. It is suggested to modify the contracts, so that the data is received as per the end user requirement. The benefit of using the method will aid the following: Each stakeholders involved in the data flow will gain knowledge about the dataData Quality and completeness checks will be improved.The end users of the data who are actually working on the data will find it easier to load or do interpretation.Data Standard will be implemented with much easier way.Issues related to data loading will be resolved in a better way.It will be easier to automate the process of receiving the data.

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