
Kshara is a commonly used alkaline herbal p reparation in Ayurveda. D iff erent methods are mentioned in A yurvedic texts for Kshara preparation . T he aim of this study wa s to carry out standard operating procedure fixation and standardization of Yava kshara and to find out the best method for Kshara preparation. Y ava kshara has been prepa red by the method mentioned in Rastarangini 13 Tarang and 14 T a rang by specific and gen eral method. The specific method comes out to be the best in terms of yield . K sh ara has also been obtained by filtering the mud resi d ue and heating it again and there was no much difference in the kshara obtained fro m initial ash an d mud residue . But t he kshara prep ared from general method wa s more ac idic. S o we can conclude that the quality of ksha ra depends on the number of filt ration , more filtration better the kshara .

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