
Documentation for standardization of the method for determining hemagglutinins (HAs) in human immunoglobulin preparations used in Russia is presented. The proposed general pharmacopoeial monograph “Determination of anti-A and anti-B hemagglutinins in medicinal preparations of human immunoglobulin” allows quality control of human immunoglobulin preparations for HAcontent using indirect hemagglutination under standard conditions. The positive and negative components of the domestic standard sample (SS) of HAs contain 1:32 anti-A and 1:16 anti-B, respectively; less than 1:2 anti-A and -B; and 1:64 components of the HA content limit. Introduction of the SS for contents of anti-A and anti-B HAs into pharmacopoeial practice would ensure that results obtained in various ranges are accurate and enable the quantitative contents of the corresponding HAs in human immunoglobulin preparations to be determined.

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