
A field experiment on the Standardization of Organic Sources in Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L) Mill sp.) cultivation in scarcity condition was conducted during kharif season of 2017. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of Eight treatments T1: FYM 5 ton ha-1, T2: Vermicompost 3 ton ha-1, T3: FYM 2.5 + Vermicompost 1.5 t ha-1, T4: 100 % N through FYM, T5: 100 % N through Vermicompost, T6: 50 % N through FYM + 50 % N through Vermicompost, T7: RD of Fertilizers and T8: Control with three replications. Findings of present study showed significant differences among the performance of different organic sources. the different growth attributes of pigeon pea like plant height (210.63 cm), number of primary branches plant-1 (7.89), number of secondary branches plant-1 (18.21), dry matter plant-1 (221.47g) and yield attributing characters like number of pods plant-1 (174.49), number of seeds pod-1 (3.91), and higher seed yield (16.05 qt.ha-1), stover yield (41.62 qt.ha-1) recorded significantly maximum due to the application of 100 % N through Vermi compost (T5) treatment which was at par with Vermi compost 3 ton ha-1 (T2), and FYM 2.5 + vermi compost 1.5 ton ha-1 (T3) treatment, 100 % N through FYM (T4) than the control treatment (T8). The]’ like nitrogen, phosphorus in the soil after harvest of pigeon pea due to various organic sources treatments were observed to be significantly higher in 100 % N through vermin compost treatment which was at par with all other treatments except control. The Microbial population of bacteria (38.11 CFU × 10-6 g-1 soil), fungi (36.45 CFU × 10-4 g-1 soil) and actinomycetes (48.06 CFU × 10-4 g-1 soil) in the soil were also recorded significantly higher in the treatment 100 % N through vermicompost and all other treatment except control. Similarly, gross monetary returns ( 91635 ha-1) was recorded maximum due to the application of 100 % N through vermicompost than the all other treatment, but Net returns( 34454 ha-1) was recorded maximum in Recommended Dose of fertilizers (T7) treatment. Benefit cost ratio (1.77) was recorded maximum in the treatment application of 100 % N through FYM (T4). Hence the application of 100 % N through vermi compost, or FYM 5 ton ha-1, or 100 percentage N through FYM, was more beneficial for pigeon pea variety BSMR-736 under scarcity conditions of Dhule.

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