
Aircraft noise exposure contours are important tools for land-use planning around aerodromes. They inform local governments and stakeholders as to the acoustic impacts of aircraft operations on areas surrounding the airport. This information is considered when defining municipal zoning and building regulations. While noise contours are often regarded as concrete guidance identifying the suitability of an area for noise sensitive development, their prescribed modelling methodology is imprecise and non-standardised. A vague description such as the yearly day night level or 95th percentile day is typically mandated by overseeing authorities which leaves ambiguity in terms of the various specific input parameters. This can result in differing noise contour outputs, which in turn can cause conflict, especially between stakeholders with competing interests. This research highlights the need for better standardization and guidance for aircraft noise exposure contour modelling. It further demonstrates how varying interpretations of modelling methodologies can alter the input parameters of an aircraft noise model and significantly impact the outputs.

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