
Avipattikara churna is an Ayurvedic medicine, it is a mixture of 14 herbal and mineral materials in powder form. It is used in Ayurvedic treatment of agnimandya (digestive impairment), malabandha (constipation), amlapitta (dyspepsia), arsa (haemorrhoids), mutrabandha (retention of urine), prameha (urinary disorders) and piles. Avipattikara churna is a totally polyherbal classical medicine without any side effects. In this study attempts to evaluate the main parameters of drug standardization and HPTLC finger print profile of avipattikara churna based on organoleptic evaluation, physical characteristics, physicochemical studies like pH, total ash, acid insoluble ash, loss on drying at 105°C, extractive values etc.and microbial load were carried out as per the API, IP, WHO and AOAC guidelines to substantiate the adulteration for quality control of herbal drugs. The set parameters were found to be sufficient to evaluate the churna formulation and can be used as reference standards for the quality control/quality assurance for Ayurvedic formulations.

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