
The speech act “gratitude” in the Iranian linguocultural environment can convey not only the direct meaning of lexical units in which it is customary to express gratitude on various occasions; but also a wide range of psychic emotions — the speaker’s empathies in various forms and formulas of a specific Iranian politeness code known as taarof. The variety of forms of politeness in the Persian language and their non-coincidence with the forms of expressing gratitude in Russian sometimes hampers understanding between recipients due to the lack of adequate correlates in translation. Based on the analysis of the forms of expression of the speech act “gratitude” in Persian and Russian and their comparison, we have made an attempt to translate these forms of politeness into Russian and show their great variability in various situations of communication. The performed analysis will make it possible to better and more fully understand the difference in the cultural code of the speakers of both languages and help them avoid possible misunderstandings in communication, as well as focus teachers of Persian and Russian on creating educational materials and methods for more targeted teaching of students of both languages, taking into account the speech pragmatics.

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