
Among mammals, the stallion produces the largest amount of testicular estrogens. These steroid hormones are produced mainly by Leydig and Sertoli cells in the testis and also in the epididymis. Their role in horse testicular physiology and their ability to act on spermatozoa are still unknown. In order to determine if spermatozoa are targets for estrogens, the presence of estrogen receptors in mature ejaculated spermatozoa has been investigated. The presence of a single isoform of ESR1 (66kDa) and ESR2 (61kDa) was found by Western-blot analysis in samples from seven stallions. Confocal analysis mainly showed a flagellar localization for both receptors. Immuno-TEM experiments revealed that they are mostly located near the membranes, which are classically associated with rapid, non-genomic, effects. Moreover, we evidenced the expression of the seven transmembrane estradiol binding receptor GPER in colt testis. The protein was also localized at the connecting piece in mature spermatozoa. In conclusion, our results suggest that horse spermatozoa are a target for estrogens, which could act on several receptors either during the epididymal transit and/or in the female genital tract.

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