
This paper explores the evolution of research collaboration networks in the 'stakeholder theory and management' (STM) discipline and identifies the longitudinal effect of co-authorship networks on research performance, i.e., research productivity and citation counts. Research articles totaling 6,127 records from 1989 to 2020 were harvested from the Web of Science Database and transformed into bibliometric data using Bibexcel, followed by applying social network analysis to compare and analyze scientific collaboration networks at the author, institution and country levels. This work maps the structure of these networks across three consecutive sub-periods (t1: 1989-1999; t2: 2000-2010; t3: 2011-2020) and explores the association between authors' social network properties and their research performance. The results show that authors collaboration network was fragmented all through the periods, however, with an increase in the number and size of cliques. Similar results were observed in the institutional collaboration network but with less fragmentation between institutions reflected by the increase in network density as time passed. The international collaboration had evolved from an uncondensed, fragmented and highly centralized network, to a highly dense and less fragmented network in t3. Moreover, a positive association was reported between authors' research performance and centrality and structural hole measures in t3 as opposed to ego-density, constraint and tie strength in t1. The findings can be used by policy makers to improve collaboration and develop research programs that can enhance several scientific fields. Central authors identified in the networks are better positioned to receive government funding, maximize research outputs and improve research community reputation. Viewed from a network's perspective, scientists can understand how collaborative relationships influence research performance and consider where to invest their decision and choices.


  • The emergence of research collaboration networks has largely contributed to the development of many scientific fields and the exponential increase in research publications [1]

  • The findings of the above studies remain inconclusive regarding the longitudinal associations between structures of co-authorship networks and research performance across different sub-periods [18,19,20], and in the “stakeholder theory and management” (STM) field, there is paucity of evidence

  • Regarding betweenness centrality and research performance, the results show that authors that lie on the shortest path between other authors had better research performance in t2 in terms of research productivity (Mdn = 1939), U = 1704, p = 0.00; and citation counts (Mdn = 1623), U = 20655, p = 0.00, than those who are not considered intermediaries (Mdn = 969, Mdn = 979 respectively)

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The emergence of research collaboration networks has largely contributed to the development of many scientific fields and the exponential increase in research publications [1]. There are a plethora of studies that used SNA to examine scientific collaboration networks of co-authors in various disciplines [2, 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18]. The findings of the above studies remain inconclusive regarding the longitudinal associations between structures of co-authorship networks and research performance across different sub-periods [18,19,20], and in the “stakeholder theory and management” (STM) field, there is paucity of evidence. Explore the evolution of research collaboration networks of each of the authors, institutions, and countries in the STM discipline and across three consecutive sub-periods (t1: 1989– 1999; t2: 2000–2010; t3: 2011–2020), 2. In light of the above argument, the aims of this study are to: 1. explore the evolution of research collaboration networks of each of the authors, institutions, and countries in the STM discipline and across three consecutive sub-periods (t1: 1989– 1999; t2: 2000–2010; t3: 2011–2020), 2. identify the key actors (authors, institutions, and countries) that are leading collaborative works in each sub-period, and

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