
The study was focused on exploring stakeholder’s perceptions on the implemention Comprehensive Sexuality Education secondary schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. The main objectives was to determine the perception of stakeholders concerning Comprehensive Sexuality Education implementation. The research employed Qualitative method and interpretivism paradigm. It used descriptive design which described the state of affairs of Comprehensive Sexuality Education as it existed at the time when the research was conducted. The study sample comprised of headteachers, teachers, parents and learners with the total number of 384. It employed three instruments namely; semi structured interviews for headteachers, teachers, parents and learners, the close ended questionnaires administered on teachers, parents and learners whereas observation checklist was on used to teachers and learners. The research determined the perception of stakeholders and the responses were as follows; headteachers stated that, Comprehensive Sexuality Education should be implemented in all schools, while teachers echoed that it should be taught as a standalone subject but some felt that, the curriculum raised some sensitive issues that were previously taboo in African society. Most parents supported the implementation because learners were guided and regulated properly and their character and academic performance have improved while others’ opinion was that it should be taught by ifimbusa. Learners felt that they were being equipped with healthy sexuality lifestyle and decision making skills. The recommendation for this research are that; Comprehensive Sexuality Education should be implemented in all schools, school leadership in association with parents should champion the implementation of it, Parents should take responsibility of their children sexual life and behaviour, learners should take responsibility of acquiring sexuality skills, knowledge, values, right altitude and of making informed decisions appropriately. It is highly recommended that, the government should develop a deliberate policy of engaging parents while implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education and closely supervise its implementation in school should be devised and be reinforced in schools. The future recommendation from this study was that, A research on exploring the potential reasons for implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education in selected rural public secondary schools from stakeholder’s perceptions would be worthwise in order to establish the expected outcomes on learners. The same research should be conducted in other rural settings in Muchinga Province other than Nakonde District.

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