
Complex PTSD is a recent addition to the ICD-11 diagnostic system. This case study describes the delivery of Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation and Narrative Therapy (SNT), a flexible, multi-component therapy that addresses the symptoms of complex posttraumaticstress disorder. SNT balances interventions that address current-day stressors with those that reappraise the meaning of traumatic past events. This paper outlines 16 sessions of SNT with a 55-year-old gay man. The case analysis describes the ways in which SNT is relevant and effective in addressing the client's mulitple concerns. The skills work helped the client effectively manage ongoing minority stress, discrimination, and micro-aggressions related to his identity as a gay man. Review and re-appraisal of his traumatic memories, which focused on the sudden death of his partner from AIDS along with discussion of events from his childhood that shaped his reactions to this loss, allowed the client to create a more integrated sense of self as well as a more compassionate view of himself. Implications regarding the relevance of SNT for sexual and gender minorityindividuals are discussed.

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