
Diabetes mellitus is the leading cause of Charcot neuroarthropathy. The most common location is along the medial column of the foot. Over a 2-year period, the process can result in a severely deformed foot, which is highly prone to ulcers, infection, and subsequent amputation. To help identify the early stages of the disease process, the histories, physical examinations, and radiographs of 40 patients with 51 neuropathic feet were evaluated. We were able to identify five stages of Charcot deformities. Stage 0 is a clinical stage in which the patient presents with a locally swollen, warm, and often painful foot. Radiographs are negative and technetium 99 bone scan is markedly positive. Indium and gallium scans are normal. Stage 1, in addition to the clinical findings, demonstrates periarticular cysts, erosions, localized osteopenia, and sometimes diastases. Stage 2 is marked by joint subluxations, usually starting between the second cuneiform and the base of the second metatarsal and spreading laterally. Stage 3 is identified by joint dislocation and arch collapse. Stage 4 is the healed and stable end result of the process. Clinically, there is no temperature gradient between the two feet. Radiographically, there is bony trabeculation across joint spaces indicative of mature fusion. Treatment of stage 0 consists of limited weightbearing and close observation while the diagnosis becomes clear. Stage 1 is treated with casting followed by a University of California Biomechanics Lab orthosis (UCBL), to maintain the arch while allowing limited weightbearing. In stage 2, a partial weightbearing total contact cast followed by a Charcot restraint orthotic walker (CROW) is used. Surgery may be needed at this stage, while the joints are still reducible. Arthrodesis with rigid fixation is recommended. Stage 3 is treated with casting for the acute phase, then with a patellar-tendon-bearing ankle-foot orthosis, CROW, or caliper orthosis. If ulcers are present, they are treated with weekly local debridement, antibiotics, and total contact casting. Occasionally decompressive ostectomy is required. Stage 4 may need surgical removal of the bony prominences causing the nonhealing ulcers. Extra-depth shoes and pressure-relieving orthoses are also used. Twenty-five percent of our patients diagnosed and treated in the early stages (stages 0, 1 and 2) did not develop deformity. Surgery to prevent deformity is recommended early, before the destructive stage (stage 3). Close follow-up, especially in a noncompliant population is necessary.

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