
The purpose of the paper is to examine Finnegans Make, Zenkasi Theatre Company’s adaptation of Joyce’s prose devised and directed by Zenon Fajfer and Katarzyna Bazarnik, staged in the 1990s. It aims to demonstrate how by employing avant-garde compositional ideas and language games, they translate the structural and linguistic complexity characteristic of the Irish author to the idiom of the stage. demonstrate the thematic coherence of Joyce’s work, accompanied by compositional and. It analyses in detail the play’s circular structure that draws on excerpts from Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist, Ulysses and Finnegans Wake. It also discusses how Fajfer and Bazarnik engage the audience and explore the theatre space. Finally, it examines how they use the space of the book and typographical devices to translate the live performance into a spatialised score of the play.

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