
We explore, within the framework of an algebraic sp(4) shell model, discrete approximations to various derivatives of the energies of the lowest isovector-paired 0^+ states of atomic nuclei in the 40 <A < 100 mass range. The results show that the symplectic model can be used to successfully interpret fine structure effects driven by the proton-neutron (pn) and like-particle isovector pairing interactions as well as interactions with higher J multipolarity. A finite energy difference technique is used to investigate two-proton and two-neutron separation energies, observed irregularities found around the N=Z region, and the like-particle and pn isovector pairing gaps. A prominent staggering behavior is observed between groups of even-even and odd-odd nuclides. An oscillation, in addition to that associated with changes in isospin values, that tracks with alternating seniority quantum numbers related to the isovector pairing interaction is also found.

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