
Most of existing cardinality estimation algorithms do not support natively interval queries under a sliding window model and are thereby insensitive to data recency. We present Staggered-HyperLogLog (ST-HLL), a probabilistic data structure that takes inspiration from HyperLogLog (HLL) and provides nearly continuous-time estimation of cardinality rates, rather than absolute counts. Our solution has zero-bit overhead with respect to vanilla HLL and negligible additional computational complexity. It is based on a periodic staggered reset of HLL registers and a register equalization operation at query times to compensate for staggered counting. We tested ST-HLL over both synthetic and real Internet traffic traces, showing its ability to track variations of the flow cardinality, quickly adapting to variations under non-stationary flow arrival processes. We show that for the same amount of memory footprint, our algorithm improves the accuracy up to a factor 2x with respect to the state-of-the-art solution, Sliding HLL.

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