
The insect growth regulators (IGRs) tebufenozide and methoxyfenozide and the broad-spectrum insecticides azinphosmethyl, carbaryl, and fenpropathrin were compared for their activity against adult, egg, and larval stages of the grape berry moth, Endopiza viteana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), under laboratory and vineyard conditions. Adult mortality was not affected by exposure to field-equivalent rates of tebufenozide or methoxyfenozide on grape clusters, whereas all the broad-spectrum compounds significantly reduced adult survival, compared with the untreated controls. Surviving adult moths laid significantly more eggs on berries treated with the IGRs than on berries treated with any of the broad-spectrum insecticides. Survival of these eggs through to late larval and pupal stages was significantly lower on methoxyfenozide-treated grapes than on untreated grapes, and no pupae were found when grapes were treated with azinphosmethyl or fenpropathrin. Neither of the growth regulator insecticides limited egg eclosion or larval development by E. viteana when insecticides were applied before egg laying, whereas broad-spectrum insecticides were effective against both eggs and neonates at this timing. When applied after egg eclosion, all insecticide treatments significantly reduced survival of grape berry moth larvae. Under vineyard conditions, berries with 1-d-old residues of tebufenozide or methoxyfenozide received more E. viteana eggs than berries treated with broad-spectrum compounds. After aging for 7 or 14 d, no significant effects on E. viteana survival were detected among treatments. Whereas broad-spectrum insecticides provide control of multiple life stages of E. viteana, integration of tebufenozide or methoxyfenozide into vineyard management programs for control of this pest will be most successful if applications are timed for egg hatch.

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