
The Caenorhabditis elegans gene lin-29 is required for the terminal differentiation of the lateral hypodermal seam cells during the larval-to-adult molt. We find that lin-29 protein accumulates in the nuclei of these cells, consistent with its predicted role as a zinc finger transcription factor. The earliest detectable LIN-29 accumulation in seam cell nuclei is during the last larval stage (L4), following the final seam cell division, which occurs during the L3-to-L4 molt. LIN-29 accumulates in all hypodermal nuclei during the L4 stage. The time of LIN-29 appearance in the hypodermis is controlled by the heterochronic gene pathway: LIN-29 accumulates in the hypodermis abnormally early, during the third larval stage, in loss-of-function lin-14, lin-28 and lin-42 mutants, and fails to accumulate in hypodermis of lin-4 mutants. LIN-29 also accumulates stage-specifically in the nuclei of a variety of non-hypodermal cells during development. Its accumulation is dependent upon the upstream heterochronic genes in some, but not all, of these non-hypodermal cells.

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