
The purpose of the study. To analyze essential characteristics of stage speech in actor’s profession and to distinguish the aspects relevant in forming of future actors’ professional skills. An additional purpose of the research lies in exploration of significance of all stage speech skills acquired in the course of training and practical activities in young actor’s professional career.
 The methodology. The methodology of the paper is determined by the specifics of the article’s subject and purpose. The basis of the research is determined by historical-chronological, typological, analytical and complex methods along with the use of own methodological materials and generally accepted theatrical literature, archival materials and periodicals on the subject. To solve the set tasks, analytical-synthetic methods of source processing and art analysis (particularly in the part of practical review of using the exercises for breathing posture, development and correction of diction and pronunciation) have also been used, as well as the comparative-historical approach (to outline the state of stage speech development in Ukraine and across the world).
 Conclusions. We revealed the pedagogical conditions for formation of performing skills and professional speech potential in those who master the art of acting through professional training at higher educational institutions. It is appropriate to introduce special courses in practical areas of “Verbal interaction training” and “Training of actor’s acting skills”. Such conditions are fully justified theoretically and proven experimentally in the course of educational process in higher educational institutions and by practical experience in theatrical realities of state and private creative teams. The semantic component of working with words and speech practice in students’ training in the acting field has been defined, structural components, criteria and indicators have been outlined, with performing skills’ levels having also been described to further assess the mastery of acting in the course of professional training. Having analyzed various sources on the subject of the article, we can summarize that perfect mastery of stage speech is one of the future actor’s most significant indicators emphasizing his/her skills. 
 The scientific novelty. In the framework of analytical research, the mechanisms for development of basic professional skills of stage speech in students of higher educational institutions applying for the first (bachelor’s) level of “dramatic theater and cinema” acting art educational curriculum were analyzed.
 The practical significance of results obtained. The research results may be used to improve educational curricula that need to be implemented for the purposes of developing better and more productive skills of professional stage speech. They may also be used in preparation for individual practical lessons, lecture courses on “Stage speech” subject to train future professional actors of theater and cinema.

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