
This study examined the attitudes toward exercise held by older adults within different stages of the exercise change model for the purpose of aiding health professionals in developing effective approaches that engage older adults in physical activity. Men and women (n = 116) between the ages of 60 and 93 years (73.9+/-6.6) completed a questionnaire used to categorize them into one of five stages of exercise change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. Participants also completed a questionnaire to assess four attitude factors related to exercise: tension release, health promotion, vigorous exercise, and social benefits. The Active older adults in this study reported positive attitudes toward exer cising for health benefits, social interaction, and tension release. Of these, the health benefits of exercise appear to be the most important factor in their participation in exercise. Therefore, prograns designed to engage older adults in regular physical activity should promote positive attitudes toward exercise, especially regarding the health related aspects of exercise.

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