
The International Union of Geological Science approved the stage boundaries suggested by the international working groups for the Tethyan Triassic. In this work we estimate the possibility of their establishment and correlation in the Boreal sections of Northeast Asia, based on the analyzed distribution of ammonoids and conodonts. As the conodonts of the Induan Stage have not been identified for sure in the region under study, the lower boundary of the Triassic System is defined here at the base of the Otoceras concavum Zone of the ammonoid scale. In addition to the ammonoids Hedenstroemia hedenstroemi (Keyserling), the first occurrence of the conodonts Pseudogondolella nepalensis (Kozur et Mostler) is suggested to be the biomarker of the Olenekian Stage base. The lower boundaries of the Anisian and Ladinian stages, defined respectively at the basal levels of the Paracrochordiceras-Japonites Beds in Northern Dobrogea and the Eoprotrachyceras curionii Zone in the Brescian Prealps are recognizable, though with some reservations, at the base of the Grambergia taimyrensis and Eonathorstites oleshkoi zones in Northeast Asia. According to the priority principle and similarity between the ammonoid faunas of the Daxatina cf. canadensis Subzone and Frankites regoledanus Zone, the lower boundary of the Carnian Stage is defined at the base of the Alpine Trachyceras aon Zone. In Northeast Asia, this boundary is established at the base of the “Protrachyceras” omkutchanicum Zone, as we take into account the fact that the Daxatina and Stolleyites ammonoid genera occur in sections of British Columbia below the stratigraphic level of the Trachyceras forms. The lower boundary of the Norian Stage is concurrent with the base of the Guembelites jandianus Zone in the Alps and equivalent Stikinoceras kerri Zone in North America and Striatosirenites kinasovi Zone in Northeast Asia. The conodont species Norigondolella navicula (Huckriede) that is most important for the Boreal-Tethyan correlation cannot be used as a biomarker of the Norian lower boundary because of its problematic diagnosis and rare occurrence in the Boreal sections. The Rhaetian Stage base is defined at the appearance level of the Misikella conodont genus in the Hallstatt region, Austria, that is simultaneously the disappearance level of the characteristic Norian bivalves (Monotis) and ammonoids (Metasibirites). In Northeast Asia, this boundary is established at the top of the Monotis ochotica Zone. The correlation between the biostratigraphic units of the Middle-Upper Triassic conodont scale established in Northeast Asia and standard ammonoid zonation is verified.

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