
Super-resolution fluorescence imaging is a crucial method for visualizing the dynamics of the cell membrane involved in various physiological and pathological processes. This requires bright fluorescent dyes with excellent photostability and labeling stability to enable long-term imaging. In this context, we introduce a buffering-strategy-based cyanine dye, SA-Cy5, designed to identify and label carbonic anhydrase IX (CA IX) located in the cell membrane. The unique feature of SA-Cy5 lies in its ability to overcome photobleaching. When the dye on the cell membrane undergoes photobleaching, it is rapidly replaced by an intact probe from the buffer pool outside the cell membrane. This dynamic replacement ensures that the fluorescence intensity on the cell membrane remains stable over time. Under the super-resolution structured illumination microscopy (SIM), the cell membrane can be continuously imaged for 60 min with a time resolution of 20 s. This extended imaging period allows for the observation of substructural dynamics of the cell membrane, including the growth and fusion of filamentous pseudopodia and the fusion of vesicles. Additionally, this buffering strategy introduces a novel approach to address the issue of poor photostability associated with the cyanine dyes.

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