
In this chapter we survey the results of the polyhedral approach to a particular NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem, the stable set problem in graphs. (Alternative names for this problem used in the literature are vertex packing, or coclique, or independent set problem.) Our basic technique will be to look for various classes of inequalities valid for the stable set polytope, and then develop polynomial time algorithms to check if a given vector satisfies all these constraints. Such an algorithm solves a relaxation of the stable set problem in polynomial time, i. e., provides an upper bound for the maximum weight of a stable set. If certain graphs have the property that every facet of the stable set polytope occurs in the given family of valid inequalities, then, for these graphs, the stable set problem can be solved in polynomial time. It turns out that there are very interesting classes of graphs which are in fact characterized by such a condition, most notably the class of perfect graphs. Using this approach, we shall develop a polynomial time algorithm for the stable set problem for perfect graphs. So far no purely combinatorial algorithm has been found to solve this problem in polynomial time.KeywordsPolynomial TimeBipartite GraphValid InequalityInterval GraphPerfect GraphThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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