
This volume was prepared for a like-titled short course that took place at the 2001 Geological Society of America annual meeting in Boston. The objective of the course was to review select topics within the field of stable isotope geochemistry that the organizers felt had emerged or greatly advanced since 1986, the year of publication of an earlier volume in the Reviews series that focussed on stable isotopes ( Stable Isotopes in High Temperature Geological Processes . J.W. Valley, H.P. Taylor Jr., and J.R. O’Neil, Editors, Reviews in Mineralogy, vol. 16). Stable Isotope Geochemistry consists of 13 separate chapters authored or coauthored by 17 leading researchers. The chapter titles are: (1) Equilibrium Oxygen, Hydrogen and Carbon Isotope Fractionation Factors Applicable to Geologic Systems , (2) Rates and Mechanisms of Isotopic Exchange , (3) Fractionation of Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopes in Biosynthetic Processes , (4 ) Stable Isotope Variations in Extraterrestrial Materials , (5 ) Oxygen Isotope Variations of Basaltic …

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