
Mussel shells have been used in a number of paleoecological and environmental studies. The interpretation of stable carbon isotopic composition of shell material is still controversial. The carbon for shell carbonate precipitation can either be derived from ambient dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), with shells recording environmental signals, or from metabolic CO 2, with the potential to disguise environmental signals. To gain insight into this question, we investigated four nearly 100-yr long-term records of aragonite shells from an extant freshwater bivalve species, the endangered freshwater pearl mussel ( Margaritifera margaritifera L.). Single growth increments of the outer prismatic and the inner nacreous zones were successfully and easily separated with a simple heat treatment for chronological analyses of δ 13C in single layers of each zone. Autocorrelation and semivariance statistical methods reveal that mussels show distinct individual signal patterns, which extend up to 25 yr. Signal patterns are reliably reproduced with replicate samples from defined layers within one shell and show similar patterns with a slight offset for inner nacreous and outer prismatic layers for individual animals. Mussels exposed to the same environmental conditions exhibit distinct and contradictory signature patterns, which do not match between individuals. This observation can only be explained by strong metabolic influences on shell precipitation. Environmental changes in pH, temperature, electric conductivity and atmospheric carbon signature had no or little (<5%) influence, whereas body tissue protein and body tissue δ 13C signatures negatively correlated with the youngest produced shell δ 13C signatures, indicating that respiration causes a preferential loss of light isotopes from body mass and an inverse enrichment in shell aragonite. Hence, the shells of the freshwater pearl mussel yield a long-term record of metabolic activity, whereas the use of δ 13C in these shells as recorder for environmental signals is questionable. This may also be true for shells from other species, for which metabolic carbon incorporation has been acknowledged.

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