
D’Orbigny named the Callovian stage after Kellaways in Wiltshire, UK, in the 1850 s. However, agreement on its boundaries and, more recently, on the position and location of the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Callovian has proven difficult for the last 170 years. This is mainly due to the lack of agreement on the appropriate index fossil and its regional and global correlations, as well as the location of the stratotype section. Stable carbon isotope chemostratigraphy and event stratigraphy are now essential tools for aiding in the definition of GSSPs. In this study, stable carbon isotopic analysis of 91 samples from east Greenland’s Middle Jurassic shallow marine sandstones of the Pelion Formation (Store Koldewey and Hold with Hope) and correlative and well-dated offshore siltstones and mudstones of the Fossilbjerget Formation (Jameson Land) is used to discriminate several isotopic events previously observed in other European basins and propose the early Callovian (δ13CTOC) positive carbon isotopic excursion as a secondary marker for defining the Callovian GSSP. The early Callovian (δ13CTOC) positive carbon isotopic excursion is a fundamental tool for superregional correlation between candidate GSSPs and Standard Auxiliary Boundary Stratotypes. It can also help establish a chronological order (synchronous vs diachronous) of species occurrences between different locations.

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