
Rearrangements between tandemly repeated DNA sequences are a common source of genetic instability. Such rearrangements underlie several human genetic diseases. In many organisms, the mismatch-repair (MMR) system functions to stabilize repeats when the repeat unit is short or when sequence imperfections are present between the repeats. We show here that the action of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) exonucleases plays an additional, important role in stabilizing tandem repeats, independent of their role in MMR. For perfect repeats of approximately 100 bp in Escherichia coli that are not susceptible to MMR, exonuclease (Exo)-I, ExoX, and RecJ exonuclease redundantly inhibit deletion. Our data suggest that >90% of potential deletion events are avoided by the combined action of these three exonucleases. Imperfect tandem repeats, less prone to rearrangements, are stabilized by both the MMR-pathway and ssDNA-specific exonucleases. For 100-bp repeats containing four mispairs, ExoI alone aborts most deletion events, even in the presence of a functional MMR system. By genetic analysis, we show that the inhibitory effect of ssDNA exonucleases on deletion formation is independent of the MutS and UvrD proteins. Exonuclease degradation of DNA displaced during the deletion process may abort slipped misalignment. Exonuclease action is therefore a significant force in genetic stabilization of many forms of repetitive DNA.

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