
Protonation, charging, and field effects on the thermal isomerization of a nitrospiropyran (SP) modified by a thiolated etheroxide chain into merocyanine (MC) are computationally studied at the DFT level. The ring opening leads to cis-MC conformers that then isomerize to the more stable trans forms. While the closed neutral spiropyran is more stable than the conjugated open forms, the merocyanine conformers are significantly stabilized by protonation, electron attachment, and ionization. For protonation on the pyran oxygen atom and electron attachment, the MC conformers are more stable than SP, and unlike for the neutral species, the ring opening is spontaneous at room temperature. Moreover, for the pyran oxygen-protonated form, the ring opening to the cis-merocyanine becomes barrierless. On the other hand, barriers comparable to the neutral remain along the thermal pathway to the cis-merocyanine conformer for ionization or electron attachment, and the barrier for isomerization is significantly higher for the N-protonated SP form. External field effects on the neutral reaction path show that ring opening to the cis-merocyanine is favored when the field reduces the electron density on the pyran part, as also induced by the local field due to O protonation.

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