
This research work mainly focuses on stabilization of Ikpayongo laterite using cement blended with Rise Husk Ash (RHA) and Carbide Waste (CW) to promote its physical characteristics. The blending of cement with Rice Husk Ash (RHA) and carbide waste (CW) was done in proportion to determine the required proportion suitable for the stabilization of Ikpayongo laterite. Atterberg limit test, Compaction test, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test, Specific Gravity, Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) test and Durability test were conducted on the laterite sample. The blend of cement with RHA and CW at interval of 0% to 10% displayed better results than the cement treated soil at some percentages. The result showed that at 2% and 10% cement content the MDD of the natural soil reduced from 2.015Mg/m3 to 1.917Mg/m3 and increased to 1.987Mg/m3 respectively, it also reduced to 1.870Mg/m3 when treated with 2% blend of 80% cement 10% RHA 10% CW and increased at 10% of the cement blend. The CBR value of the natural soil was gotten to be 9.66% but increased by 2% when treated with 100% cement. The blend of 80% Cement, 10% RHA and 10% CW yielded the most promising result as CBR value increased from 28% for the natural soil to 97.55% for stabilized soil while UCS increased from 1512.09KN/m2 to 1753.39KN/m2 by volume at 10% of the blends for 14 days cured sample. Based on the results, 80% Cement, 10% RHS and 10% CW is recommended for use in soil stabilization.

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