
We analyze a system in which a topological Majorana zero mode (tMZM) combines with a Majorana produced by quantum frustration (fMZM) to produce a novel ground state. The system that we study combines two parts, a grounded topological superconducting wire that hosts two tMZMs at its ends, and an on-resonant quantum dot connected to two dissipative leads. The quantum dot with dissipative leads creates an effective two-channel Kondo (2CK) state in which quantum frustration yields an isolated fMZM at the dot. We find that coupling the dot to one end of the topological wire stabilizes the tMZM at the other end. Three routes are used to obtain these results: (i) calculation of the conductance through an auxiliary detector quantum dot, (ii) renormalization group (RG) arguments and the g-theorem, and (iii) a fully non-equilibrium calculation of the I(V ) curve and shot noise S(V ) through the detector dot. In addition to providing a route to achieving an unpaired Majorana zero mode, this scheme provides a clear signature of the presence of the 2CK frustration-induced Majorana.

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