
The Blaschke Santalo inequality and the L p affine isoperimetric inequalities are major inequalities in convex geometry and they have a wide range of applications. Functional versions of the Blaschke Santalo inequality have been established over the years through many contributions. More recently and ongoing, such functional versions have been established for the L p affine isoperimetric inequalities as well. These functional versions involve notions from information theory, like entropy and divergence.We list stability versions for the geometric inequalities as well as for their functional counterparts. Both are known for the Blaschke Santalo inequality. Stability versions for the L p affine isoperimetric inequalities in the case of convex bodies have only been known in all dimensions for p = 1 and for p > 1 only for convex bodies in the plane. Here, we prove almost optimal stability results for the L p affine isoperimetric inequalities, for all p, for all convex bodies, for all dimensions. Moreover, we give stability versions for the corresponding functional versions of the L p affine isoperimetric inequalities, namely the reverse log Sobolev inequality, the L p affine isoperimetric inequalities for log concave functions, and certain divergence inequalities.

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