
Motivated by recent progress in the two-dimensional (2D) materials of group VI elements and their experimental fabrication, we have investigated the stability, optoelectronic and thermal properties of Janus α-Te2S monolayer using first-principles calculations. The phonon dispersion and MD simulations confirm its dynamical and thermal stability. The moderate band gap (∼1.5 eV), ultrahigh carrier mobility (∼103 cm2 V−1 s−1), small exciton binding energy (0.26 eV), broad optical absorption range and charge carrier separation ability due to potential difference (ΔV = 1.07 eV) on two surfaces of Janus α-Te2S monolayer makes it a promising candidate for solar energy conversion. We propose various type-II heterostructures consisting of Janus α-Te2S and other transition metal dichalcogenides for solar cell applications. The calculated power conversion efficiencies of the proposed heterostructures, i.e. α-Te2S/T-PdS2, α-Te2S/BP and α-Te2S/H-MoS2 are ∼21%, ∼19% and 18%, respectively. Also, the ultralow value of lattice thermal conductivity (1.16 W m−1 K−1) of Janus α-Te2S makes it a promising material for the fabrication of next-generation thermal energy conversion devices.

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