
Absorbance-detected thermal denaturation studies of the C102T variant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae iso-1-ferricytochrome c were performed between pH 3 and 5. Thermal denaturation in this pH range is reversible, shows no concentration dependence, and is consistent with a 2-state model. Values for free energy (delta GD), enthalpy (delta HD), and entropy (delta SD) of denaturation were determined as functions of pH and temperature. The value of delta GD at 300 K, pH 4.6, is 5.1 +/- 0.3 kcal mol-1. The change in molar heat capacity upon denaturation (delta Cp), determined by the temperature dependence of delta HD as a function of pH (1.37 +/- 0.06 kcal mol-1 K-1), agrees with the value determined by differential scanning calorimetry. pH-dependent changes in the Soret region indicate that a group or groups in the heme environment of the denatured protein, probably 1 or both heme propionates, ionize with a pK near 4. The C102T variant exhibits both enthalpy and entropy convergence with a delta HD of 1.30 kcal mol-1 residue-1 at 373.6 K and a delta SD of 4.24 cal mol-1 K-1 residue-1 at 385.2 K. These values agree with those for other single-domain, globular proteins.

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