
The stability of thermocapillary flow developed in a slowly rotating fluid layer under microgravity conditions is investigated. Both boundaries of the layer are free and assumed to be plane. The tangential thermocapillary Marangoni force exerts on the boundaries, where heat transfer takes place in accordance with the Newton law, the temperature of the medium in the neighborhood of the boundaries being a linear function of the coordinates. The axis of rotation is perpendicular to the liquid layer, rotation is weak so that the centrifugal force can be neglected. Being the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations, the thermocapillary flow in question can be described analytically. The neutral curves which describe the wavenumber dependence of the critical Marangoni number for various Taylor numbers and various directions of the horizontal temperature gradient on the layer boundaries are obtained within the framework of the linear stability theory. The behavior of finite-amplitude perturbations beyond the stability threshold is studied numerically.

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