
Little is know on the impact of biosolids application on soil organic matter (SOM) stability, which contributes to soil C sequestration. Soil samples were collected in 2006 at plow layer from fields that received liquid and dry municipal biosolids application from 1972 to 2004 at the cumulative rate of 1416Mgha−1 in mined soil and 1072Mgha−1 in nonmined soil and control fields that received chemical fertilizer at Fulton County, western Illinois. The biosolids application increased the soil microbial biomass C (SMBC) by 5-fold in mined soil and 4-fold in nonmined soil. The biosolids-amended soils showed a high amount of basal respiration and N mineralization, but low metabolic quotient, and low rate of organic C and organic N mineralization. There was a remarkable increase in mineral-associated organic C from 6.9gkg−1 (fertilizer control) to 26.6gkg−1 (biosolids-amended) in mined soil and from 8.9gkg−1 (fertilizer control) to 23.1gkg−1 (biosolids-amended) in nonmined soil. The amorphous Fe and Al, which can improve SOM stability, were increased by 2–7 folds by the long-term biosolids application. It is evident from this study that the biosolids-modified SOM resists to decomposition more than that in the fertilizer treatment, thus long-term biosolids application could increase SOM stability.

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